Pediatric Scholar
Research Computing
The following titles are a small selection of those available through Pediatric Scholar and can be requested for immediate download through the Pediatric Scholar portal. The Portal provides brief descriptions of available applications, and the Scholar Software Directory in the wiki provides detailed descriptions as well as links to support pages for each title. Below we highlight some of the most commonly used packages.
Google WorkSpace*: BCH Google My Drives and Shared Drives currently have unlimited storage space. Google collaborative tools include Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides and more that can be shared with collaborators. These tools allow users to, in real-time, collaborate on the creation of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with versioning and file recovery support.
EndNote*, ReadCube Papers, Paperpile*, and Zotero*: for reference management.
LabArchives*: for electronic lab notebooks.
Adobe Acrobat Pro: for PDF creation and editing.
Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo (Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop competitors) for illustration, as well as BioRender, for making complicated biological illustrations easily, using their extensive library of biomedical icons.
Geneious: one of the most comprehensive collection of molecular biology and NGS analysis tools, including tools to support RNA-seq analyses, tree building, cloning and more.
DNASTAR Lasergene, MacVector and Sequencher: molecular biology applications.
FlowJo:, an analysis platform for single-cell flow cytometry data.
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA): supports searches for targeted information on genes, proteins, chemicals, and drugs.
Cytoscape*: provides a platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data.
SPSS*, GraphPad Prism, SAS, and Stata: for statistical analysis
Open Source Software: Access to 100+ open source applications are offered through the BioGrid installer (Mac and Linux only). For the full list of applications please visit Please note that all BioGrids applications are also available on the Research Computing E2 high-performance computing (HPC) cluster.
*Available to all researchers, without a Pediatric Scholar subscription.